- day of grace
- эк льго́тный день (допускаемая отсрочка платежа или исполнения контрактного обязательства)
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
Day of grace — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
day of grace — index reprieve Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
day of grace — {n. phr.} An extension period after the due date of some contract or bond. * /The premium is due on the first of each month, but they allow ten days of grace./ … Dictionary of American idioms
day of grace — {n. phr.} An extension period after the due date of some contract or bond. * /The premium is due on the first of each month, but they allow ten days of grace./ … Dictionary of American idioms
day\ of\ grace — n. phr. An extension period after the due date of some contract or bond. The premium is due on the first of each month, but they allow ten days of grace … Словарь американских идиом
Grace — (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grace cup — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grace drink — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grace hoop — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grace hoop — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grace note — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English